Carl comes from a Scandinavian country that doesn't need to be named. It is a rich country but still it was difficult to even get good hookers for good money there. As a young gay man he was always into cute twinks. But the boys from his town have mostly been straight. Well, here in Tchukistan he has a chance to finally live his dream. No risk no fun.
Some when he met Nikolay – our officer of the regular Tchukistani forces. And as we know Nikolay already he was capable of fulfilling any of Carl´s desires as long as good money is involved. In plain English: Carl orders sex slaves. But not just slaves. They were supposed to be blond and tall – like in Scandinavia. Well, as you can imagine, it is not so easy to find blond guys in Tchukistan; most guys here are black-haired – like our heroes. But still there are those descendants of ethnic Russian that once settled in this area during the communist times.
When Gorja and Franio walked through the forest they just wanted to meet some friends for skiing. Mecko, Becko and Nikolay spotted them hidden inside a building adjacent to a complex which is supposed to become the peacekeeper´s headquarter in the near future. They catch them and bring them to Carl´s office.
And there he sits and waits already; Carl appears still shy but he has a sadistic view. The soldiers tie and undress their victims. And they scream out something Tchukistani that he doesn't even understand.
Franio first tries to resist. But Gorja is terrified by the martial looks of his captors and obeys to their orders. They put him on the table and Carl starts to suck him. Then he fondles his cock and balls. Mecko and Becko meanwhile bring tamed Gorja to the camp bed in the office. They rudely strip him and torture his nipples. Becko is also into that cute guy. “Stand up” he orders the frightened guy and to complete his humiliation he kisses the poor helpless straight guy right onto his duct-taped mouth. “Stop with that crap!” Carl orders. “And help me to bend over the tall guy”. Soon after Gorja finds himself in a most uncomfortable position with his ass exposed to the soldiers. “Now let the games begin!”
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