As quickly as Dar Vaie strolled into the hotel bar he knew Hanya Lein.
Bench space teemed with the pleasurable heat of men and women discussing a draft beer and an excellent tale after work, maybe a friendly flirtation, perhaps something more genuine. They sat in comfortable groups, gold with laughter in the light of candles on the wall surfaces and the tables, some with plates of meals, others with merely a bowl of beer or wine or spirits.
Slightly above a group at his table, plainly on his own, was a big-shouldered boy, blonde and soft as butter, round blue eyes lifted briefly and lazily to view which had actually can be found in the door. Dar Vaie can tell from the set of his shoulders and back that he was another officer; an infant Helpmate! new appointed and possibly on his initial leave away from the troop. The lad's blue eyes soaked shyly apart in the intense candlelight although Dar Vaie had not looked straight at him. Yet.
Sweet Angels, will certainly you check out that now. A youthful sweetie of a Helpmate with muscular tissues still not completely solidified by the summertime campaigns and winter maneuvers, a big-shouldered lovely blushing like a virgin in a hotel bar in Iarve.
Dar strolled slowly to the bar. His elaborately decorated sword and dagger collection swung gently where they were slung low about his rangy hips against his thigh length brown army boots. He ran solid slim fingers through his red strawberry blonde hair that was cropped short at the back and sides. The edge of his thin mouth on the side away from the lad quirked in a smile, his grey eyes sparkled with enjoyment. His cock roused soft as a child bird in assumption in his breeches.
Perfect. He was tired and on the search awhile of fun and leisure after a long demanding quest from Sietter down with Trattai and Soomara into Iarve, keeping the junior officers and the men constantly under his eager grey eye. He had actually started the work of developing their current encampment and he had provided the 4 Captains all leave with each other the previous evening precisely so he can get some rest and appear alone on the prowl tonight. He did not like getting his littles stuffing facing his fellow policemans and juniors, liked to go off alone in civilian clothing and view what he could possibly find although if he located any individual worth a fast fuck while taking the juniors out for a merry night of it he never stated No
. The boy had actually virtually completed his bowl of beer. Dar stood with his weight relaxed back on one lean long leg in its thigh length brownish natural leather boot, bewaring of the edge of his eye a huge blonde beautiful turning the last couple of mouthfuls of draft beer gradually in the bottom of his dish, lingering over them in instance somebody might provide to purchase him the next one. Dar bought a whisky, a great one. The fiery kiss of it always made him catch his breath and think about his precious sibling officer Tashka el Maien and snigger a salacious laugh. He bumped the whisky back, transformed and offered the lad the eye.
Oh sweetie! The blush rose the boy's cheek like the Arven Stream in flood in the Spring. His blue eyes looked large back in to Dar Vaie's narrowed intent grey look. Dar sniggered the dirty salacious laugh in his nose and turned on his heel, going for the door close to bench which need to introduce the courtyard out back-- and the stables. At the door he paused and looked back.
The lad had stagnated from his seat. He sat there with his large hands, lightly tanned from the early summertime project, leaning on the table. His blue eyes under the head of hair cropped quite short in incredibly army design had a yearning search in them but it was evident that he was not visiting come and take a shaken support off Dar Vaie.
Damnation. He was a sweetheart. He was not visiting want to have a quick one in the stables and melt happily in to the night, to be sometimes brought to mind alone in your outdoor tents when you were out on campaign and can not indulge in anybody in the troop since they were all your juniors. He was waiting for an individual which would speak with him and head out concerning a couple of times, someone he might get to know prior to he chose a caring long-term companionship and possibly even marital relationship.
Dar Vaie turned via the back entrance of bench with a regretful pout of his slim company mouth.
Outside it was cozy and peaceful, heavy excellent health conditions for a fast push against the secure doors, hot and juicy. Dar strayed mournfully to the commodes, had a pee he did not need, staring at his already excited cock in his fingers, and invested an inordinately long period of time washing his hands.
There were others in bench obviously. Various other eyes had lifted at his entryway, had trailed languidly over his lean challenging fit body in the cotton tee shirt and breeches, the extremely polished upper leg length army boots he was wearing. Any one of them would certainly enjoy to take a relaxed panting fuck off a good-looking sex-hungry officer like himself.
Dar Vaie went back in to the bar and bought two bowls of whatever the boy was drinking. It became heavy morning meal ale, weak as rabbit piss. The fiery kiss of the whisky was still vocalizing in his mouth like Tashka el Maien's giggling. Dar carried the astonishes to the lad and sat down contrary him.
"Residence off duty, is it?" he stated with a vast cozy hungry smile.
The lad blushed once more, charmingly, as he lifted those reluctant blue eyes to the piercing gray eyes with the laugh gleaming in them in the gently tanned face of the man resting brazenly opposite him. The man was youthful yet he already had a battle-hardened air of command. His left hand was marked as if an individual had actually lowered a blade over his knuckles in the industry of battle. When he sat down he flicked the saber in his belt back with practiced convenience and a set of gloves sat in his belt all set to be broken when faced with anyone who may need teaching a course in politeness and honor. He rested lean, strong-muscled and all set for activity, his grey eyes hard and chuckling on the face of a lad with a large muscle chest and thighs.
"Um, oh, I ... am seeing my uncle and aunt," the lad stammered. "On leave from ...".
"No no, my dear," Dar claimed fast. "Do not be offering me your complete designation now," he grinned that broad cozy starving grin, that was still sharing, C'mon, let me fuck you, allow me take you quick n' easy.
The blush increased in the lad's cheek and he looked aside again. In picking up his bowl of the pathetic morning meal ale, Dar Vaie cleaned his fingers quickly against the lad's lightly tanned, huge, still soft fingers in a sort of apology. It was exactly how he was. He was well-known for an honorable slut, had actually never viewed on a man for more than a quick screw in his life. Well, other than the el Maiens however Clair el Maien was his senior so Vaie always pretended he just appreciated his military abilities and Tashka was a dull Angel of a killer who would snap his glove in your face when check out you if he thought you may give him any sort of cause to do it.
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